Snoopy Garden 스누피가든

以 Snoopy 《Peanuts 花生漫畫》為主題,在兩萬坪空間打造Garden House 以及 Outdoor Garden 。室內展出漫畫手稿、動畫影片及史努比的日常佈置;戶外花園則有11個不同主題區,有著豐富可愛的立體裝置!
Based on the beloved Peanuts comic strip, Snoopy Garden spans 20,000 pyeong and features an indoor Garden House and an Outdoor Garden. The indoor space exhibits comic manuscripts, animation videos, and Snoopy-themed setups, while the outdoor garden includes 11 themed zones filled with adorable 3D installations, making it a fun and charming destination!
📍 Address
제주특별자치도 제주시 구좌읍 금백조로 930
930 Geumbaekjo-ro, Gujwa-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju
🕐 Operating hours
09:00-19:00 (Last admission 18:00)
💰 Fees
Individuals - Adults 19,000 won / Teenagers 16,000 won / Children 13,000 won
Groups - Adults 16,000 won / Teenagers 14,000 won / Children 12,000 won

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